When we can't be outside, playing with bubbles in the sink is a hit.
Pumpkins! Rabbits! Party!
Halloween was very exciting this year - just ask Bridget. The girls stayed up late to enjoy their pumpkin faces and to see all the trick-or-treaters. If you look closely, you can just make them out on the front steps waiting to spook some older kids!
The foliage was still vibrant at lower elevations.
The view south from the summit.
All four of us, with the north end of the Carter-Moriah range in the background.
Another view to the south from the summit, down Pinkham Notch.
Moriah was very excited to crawl around the toddler habitrail.
That was then, this is now (winter 05 above, summer 06 below):
This is Bridget in her favorite hat.
Laundry day at our house.
We also had lots of fun playing indoors. The bowl suits Doug, don't you think?