Saturday, January 26, 2008

From the backlog

Classes are back in session, and I'm behind on pictures. Here's one from a Thanksgiving trip to the beach.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Snow with your snow?

Another snowstorm keeps the fun fresh!

Nothing is better than sitting on top of a huge snowpile...

...than sitting with your sister!

Moriah annouced the other day that her "bottom turns into a sled!"

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


We took advantage of the great snow and warm temperatures to get the girls on skis for the first time. Their verdict: wheeeeeeeee! As Doug said, the faster we went, the louder they laughed.

Our local skiing hill is only a few miles from the house (we can see it from the kitchen), and the perfect place to learn to ski. When the girls started to get tired, we headed inside for some hot cocoa in front of the big fireplace before returning outside.
We both love to ski, and we had a great time sharing it with the girls. All we need now is some more snow!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Twelve Days After Christmas

A few Christmas photos at the tail end of the holiday season...

The girls all dressed up Christmas Eve

Everyone at the end of another exciting Christmas Day!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008