Saturday, March 28, 2009

Start Young

Despite a less-than-enthusiastic early response to the best winter outdoor furniture Maine has to offer, both girls now love digging their own snow seats. Top photo is winter of 2005, bottom photo is January 09. Moriah is on the left and Bridget on the right in both.
Much of the snow is gone at this point and we're busy looking for signs of spring - bulbs, mud, and more mud. All over clothes, preferably.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Can't Get Enough of Winter

It's official: these two are crazy for winter. Bridget (in the blue jacket above) is showing us her "scary" face, but she is actually pretty manic outside. Moriah can't stop grinning.
I was snowshoeing with my class last weekend, and Doug brought the girls partway up the mountain to meet us on the way down. I was surprised they had climbed up so far - almost to tree line. They gave my students a run for their money on the way down. Moriah led the pack for a while, with Bridget following behind yelling "Watch out! Get out of the way!" Doug said that the trip was in his Top 10 Parenting Experiences to Date. The girls were hilarious, they had a great time, and the students had a good time with them.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Sledding movies

Look out, Warren Miller.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Where I've Been and What I Missed

I was here (Gertrude's Saddle, overlooking Milford Sound, NZ):

I missed this (2 feet + snow in one storm):
We're taking advantage of the outstanding sledding conditions now that I'm home. Bridget (top) after a spectacular wipeout, and Moriah (bottom) going off the jump. This run in the front yard is pretty much perfect for four year-olds.