Saturday, April 28, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007
Crazy Box Heads

After an exciting visit with Freckles (and Granma and Granpa D) at our house, the girls have gone to visit Granma and Granpa R for a few days so I can finish revisions on a paper and write a talk. It's a treat for me to have such a big block of work time. Here's hoping the power doesn't go out in this storm!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Back in the Bath Gang

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Out like a lamb
We had a great visit to Granma and Granpa Daly in February. A few photos from that trip below (Moriah top, Bridget middle).

The snow is melting, but we really made the most of the warm days toward the end of winter. They both became quite fearless about trekking into deep snow. I snowshoed a track around the yard a few weeks ago, and below is a picture of Moriah on an adventure.
This past weekend was gorgeous, and Doug took the girls over to see some friends with a small farm. I will try to post pictures of the girls and the animals soon. Doug reports that they were fearless - Bridget took off right after the geese, and they were both very excited about meeting Cocoa the llama. We're planning to start some seeds for the garden in the dining room this week, so I'm sure that will be a fun project for them.
Finally, a picture of Mt Blue I took last month on a snowshoeing and sampling trip with my students up Bald Mtn.