Friday, September 26, 2008

Before Gifford's

Doug took the girls up Bald Mtn on a beautiful Monday this week, and made sure that they had positive associations with the hike by finishing up at Gifford's. I was slaving away on campus, so I think there's an ice cream in my future.

Friday, September 12, 2008

How the Summer was Saved

Many thanks to Uncle Neil and Aunt Meredith! The timely arrival of a mysterious package in the midst of the rainiest part of the summer saved us from certain insanity when we opened it to reveal two soccer balls. Not just any soccer balls - paint-your-own soccer balls. How good was this?

So good that I don't have any good action shots. Too blurry!

You might notice that Bridget and Moriah have very different artistic styles. It has been especially pronounced lately. Bridget wanted very bright swirls of single colors, while Moriah carefully painted each hexagon fully then added lines.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Here's to another year!

Happy Birthday to Doug! We celebrated in style with the girls yesterday. They decided that he would most like chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting. Many people helped to blow out the candles - I'm not saying that there were that there were so many he needed help, of course.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Hiking till summer's end

We made a quick getaway to the Presidentials on a spectacular day. A short hike to Square Ledge rewarded us with a terrific view of Pinkham Notch and Mt Washington.

The start of school is either looming or creeping up, depending on who you are.