Last year, my Mother's Day gift was a new raised bed beneath the kitchen window. In the fall, we planted tulip bulbs and the girls have been eagerly awaiting the results. They're spectacular! We've been watching them for about a month now as the first shoots came up, leaves appeared, and the buds started to show. Since we ordered a mix, we had no idea which colors we had or what would come up.

They're vibrant colors, and such a pleasure to see coming up the street! We plan to put sunflowers in this bed again for the summer. Moriah is showing me her favorite (of the day) in the picture above.
Flowers are coming out all over the yard, and Bridget has been wearing as many as she can. Tucked into her hat, in chains for crowns or necklaces, and tucked into pockets as you can see on the front of her dress below. I think she has some ferns and some horsetails for good measure.

Happy Mother's Day, and happy spring!