Tuesday, June 26, 2007

North Berwick

The summer tour continued to southern Maine this past weekend to see Grammy, Granpa, Dave and Mouse. Of course, I have no pictures of the family with the girls - we were too busy having fun!

Saturday was such a gorgeous morning that we took the girls for a hike up Bauneg Beg. Moriah loves to hike!

Later, we went to see the trains in Wells. The girls were very excited about this, and are looking forward to having their first train ride soon. Moriah is a very good friend to her baby, and was anxious to make sure that she was in the picture! I love the expression on Bridget's face in the second picture below.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


We had a BLAST camping on Flagstaff Lake! The girls were fantastic, the weather was gorgeous, the view was spectacular...it's just a litany of superlatives.

The adventure started with several canoe trips - one to bring the gear over, the other to transport folks. We stayed on the small island. There was just enough room for us and our friends to get out tents set up, enjoy the cooking/fire area, and play on a small sandy beach.

The view of the Bigelows was unparalled, as was the sunset. Since we went to sleep with the girls, we didn't stay up to feed the mosquitoes but we did get to enjoy a beautiful starry night without a fly on the tent. The best part is that Bridget and Moriah can't wait to go camping again!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Almost solstice

We're off on a short camping trip soon to Flagstaff Lake. We're hoping that everyone will wear themselves out so much that they'll be begging us to get in the tent. Of course, the blackflies may help that out too.

Paradise in the form of several yards of loam arrived in our yard Saturday morning. We're expanding our raised beds. This summer we're constructing several, although I think only three will be planted. We still need to put up a fence around the perimeter to discourage snacking y those on four feet.

Bridget is VERY excited about all this dirt.

Moriah is too busy helping to fill the wheelbarrow to pose.

We went on a hike up Potato Hill last weekend, followed by a swim at a friend's nearby camp and dinner at Giffords. It was a perfect afternoon. Below are a picture of the girls enjoying a snack at the top, and a little bit of the view - Saddleback in the distance, looking up the Temple Stream valley. It's a great short hike that I'm sure we'll revisit many times this summer.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Green Grass

I arrived home to find the girls better than ever. The diet of Fritos, diet Coke, and poptarts that Doug had them on really gets results. They're quite the hams for the camera, and I have to take pictures before they run all the way up to the camera and out of focus.

Our yard has become incredibly green, and we're really appreciating all the fun the girls can have outside. We planted rhubarb and raspberries earlier this spring which they will eagerly show you, and they also like to check the garden most days. Moriah is holding onto a flowering rhubarb stalk in the bottom picture. Various cars, bikes, trikes and other riding machines are hauled up and down the small hill in the driveway, usually at great speed. A short walk from the yard is a small stream that runs behind our property and a trail that is for "running!!".

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Quick pictures from the Maritimes. Short version of the trip includes great geology and too much rain. Mont Albert above, Mt Carleton below.