Sunday, June 17, 2007

Almost solstice

We're off on a short camping trip soon to Flagstaff Lake. We're hoping that everyone will wear themselves out so much that they'll be begging us to get in the tent. Of course, the blackflies may help that out too.

Paradise in the form of several yards of loam arrived in our yard Saturday morning. We're expanding our raised beds. This summer we're constructing several, although I think only three will be planted. We still need to put up a fence around the perimeter to discourage snacking y those on four feet.

Bridget is VERY excited about all this dirt.

Moriah is too busy helping to fill the wheelbarrow to pose.

We went on a hike up Potato Hill last weekend, followed by a swim at a friend's nearby camp and dinner at Giffords. It was a perfect afternoon. Below are a picture of the girls enjoying a snack at the top, and a little bit of the view - Saddleback in the distance, looking up the Temple Stream valley. It's a great short hike that I'm sure we'll revisit many times this summer.

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