Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Wire Bridge

Just off Rt 2 to the north of us is this beautiful bridge crossing the Carrabassett River. It still takes car traffic, but there is a small parking area on either side for those who like to walk. Below the bridge on the east side of the river is a small park and beach, perfect for a quick splash on a Saturday morning!

1 comment:

Emily said...

That looks beautiful. I'm trying to convince my husband to find a job up in Maine. He's back on the market again. His offer from the spring fell though. But, I'm so excited NOT to be moving to LA.

In answer to your question: Yep, the girls are very excited about their bday next week. Excited would be an underestimate. They've been singing each other Happy Bday, baking pretend cakes and giving each other presents. It is hilarious.

Have you decided to do one cake or two?