Sunday, April 06, 2008


We're still collecting several gallons a day from the sugar maples in the yard, and are able to get a good bit processed into syrup. Most of it is getting consumed within a few days, though! I love the taste - it's much more buttery than even the real syrup you can buy at the store.

When we go out to collect the sap in the afternoon, the girls love to try it straight from the bucket. You can see them getting their fingers in there (above), and getting every last bit off (below).

There is still a good bit of snow on the ground. We like to take walks to the little stream along the back end of the yard, and taking a break in the woods on a sunny day is really pleasant. Below are Bridget, then Moriah (bottom) showing off their smiles!

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

So jealous of the maple syrup! That looks like so much fun (plus its making me hungry and its not even lunch time yet!).